
【系辦公告】科管院_ 2025秋季科管院院級出國交換開放申請


• 申請資格:科管院大學部二年級(含)以上,碩士班以上在學學生;出國期間必須保有清大學籍,具畢業資格者須於出國前申請延畢,休學者請勿申請。
• 費用:學生出國期間應繳交清大學費,免付交換校之學費,惟住宿費、書籍費、交通費、保險費及其他生活雜費應由學生自行負擔。此外,獲錄取院級出國交換資格者亦可同時申請「科管院獎勵優秀學生出國交換補助」(申請時程將於5-6月左右另行公告)。
 申請應繳交資料:
o 出國交換申請表
o 英文讀書計畫
o 護照或身分證正反面影本
o 學生證正反面影本
o 英文語文能力證明 (托福或雅思成績單,多益成績單恕不受理)
o 歷年英文成績單
• 詳細申請資訊:請參考科管院國際事務辦公室網站。

Dear Students,

Greetings! The CTM College-Level outgoing exchange for 20245Fall is now open for applications. Please see below eligibilities and required materials for application as follows and submit your application materials to your program’s office before deadline.

 Eligibilities: The applicant should be a NTHU current student, enrolling in his/ her 2nd year (or in a higher year) at undergraduate degree or a master’s student.
 Tuition and Fees: Students will be required to pay tuition fees to their home university and will be waived from the tuition of the host university. Students are responsible for all incurring fees, including but not limited to travel, living costs, accommodation, insurance and administrative fees requested by the host university.
 Required Application Materials:
 Application Form (as attached)
 Study Plan in English (as attached)
 Copy of Passport Cover Page
 Copy of NTHU Student ID Card
 NTHU Transcript in English ( should include a cumulative GPA and class rank)
 Scholarship: Students accepted by the host university are eligible to apply for the CTM Outgoing Exchange Scholarship and the application information will be announced in November.
 List of Partner Schools: Please see details on the CTM OIA website
 Note: International students are eligible for application, however, they are only eligible for going on the exchange to partner schools that are not in the same country of the student’s country of origin.