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Project 1

臺灣勞動市場移動比重 (shift-share) 工具變數分析


在全球化對區域經濟的衝擊研究中,以 Autor, Dorn, and Hanson (2013) (以下簡稱ADH 一文開啟的文獻於政策、學術討論中格外具有影響力。ADH 分析不同產業受進口競爭的影響,結合各產業在美國各地區的重要性,藉此計算移動比重 (shift-share) 工具變數,進而研究中國進口商品對美國區域失業率、勞動參與、以及薪資的影響。自 ADH一文發表後,後續有許多文章應用移動比重工具變數分析國際貿易帶來的影響,例如政治偏好、婚姻、犯罪在不同地區的差異等,相關的計量理論發展亦極為蓬勃。



Autor, David H., David Dorn, and Gordon H. Hanson. 2013. "The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States." American Economic Review, 103 (6): 2121–68.

Project 2

Monetary policy and firm financing

林靜儀 教授

This project aims to explore the impact of monetary policy on corporate financing decisions, focusing on the differences between advanced economies, such as the United States and Europe, and emerging markets. Specifically, the study examines how interest rate policies influence firms’ choices between debt and equity financing and whether monetary conditions affect decisions to issue foreign currency bonds.

Background and Motivation

Monetary policy is a fundamental determinant of corporate financial decisions, shaping borrowing costs, liquidity conditions, and capital market dynamics. In advanced economies, persistently low interest rates, as seen in the United States and Europe over the past decade, have reduced the cost of debt, incentivizing firms to increase leverage. Conversely, monetary policy in emerging markets is often characterized by higher interest rate volatility, which raises borrowing costs and discourages excessive reliance on debt financing. These contrasting environments underscore the importance of examining how monetary policy impacts firms in different economic contexts.

The global integration of capital markets further complicates this relationship. Monetary policy shifts in advanced economies, such as interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, often trigger capital outflows from emerging markets, leading to tighter financial conditions and increased exchange rate volatility. While firms in advanced economies can rely on stable local currency markets for financing, firms in emerging markets may face constraints that drive them toward foreign currency bond issuance, despite the inherent risks of currency mismatches. However, the extent to which these dynamics differ across advanced and emerging economies remains insufficiently explored, particularly in the context of corporate preferences for debt versus equity and the role of foreign currency bonds.

Research Objectives

This study seeks to address the following key questions:

  1. How do monetary policy changes in advanced economies (e.g., the US and Europe) and emerging markets influence corporate preferences for debt versus equity financing?
  2. Do firms in emerging markets exhibit greater sensitivity to domestic monetary policy compared to global monetary policy driven by advanced economies?
  3. What role does monetary policy play in shaping firms’ decisions to issue foreign currency bonds, particularly in emerging markets facing volatile financial conditions?

Project 3

The social network of the late 17th century English financial market

李翎帆 教授

After the Glorious Revolution, the financial market developed quickly in London to couple with the increasing demand for public borrowing in the late 17th century. Besides traditional short-term borrowing, several new long-term financial investment opportunities were available to the public; the Bank of England was established in 1694, the million lottery began in 1695, the land bank was set up in 1695, and the new East India Company followed in 1698. The first subscribers of these financial commodities are well documented. By examining the lists of subscriptions, this project can establish a social network of the investors engaged in the late 17th century English financial market. Did the investors know each other, live in the same area, show similar political inclinations? Furthermore, the portfolio of investors can shed some light on political inclination, socioeconomic status and risk diversification. Did the investors diversify their investments or invest money exclusively in one financial product?

The data available now include the subscribers of the Bank of England, the million lottery, the land bank and the new East India company; along with the creditors of the old debts owed by Charles II. This dataset reveals some personal information, such as address, occupation, and amount of investment. Based on this information, a social network of the financial market can be established, and this network will enhance our understanding of the factors governing investment in the nascent financial market.

Job requirement

The student will be expected to undertake some cross-referencing searches, and build a network among investors. During the search period, in additional to gaining basic knowledge of the development and theory of financial markets, the student is also expected to learn how to use some SNA tools, e.g. Gephi or Node XL. At the end of this project, preliminary answers to the two questions raised above may be provided.

Project 4

What is evidence in evidence-based management?

趙相科 教授

“Evidence-based” practices have become a dominant approach in both natural and social sciences, with evidence-based medicine (EBM) serving as the key paradigm that offers randomized controlled trials as the gold standard for evidence discovery. Although evidence-based management (EBMgt) has gained popularity in management science since the 2000s, it remains unclear whether the concept of “evidence” in EBMgt is the same as that in EBM.

The task of this project is to explore the literature on EBMgt, write a systematic review, and use bibliometric tools to analyze the various meanings of evidence in management. This research should also compare these definitions with those found in EBM and philosophy of science literature. Applicants should have strong interesting in learning analytical skills, particularly in literature mining, and an ability to engage with scientific and philosophical concepts.

Project 5


蔡璧涵 教授

本短期研究試圖探討中國企業 CEO 的政治關聯性和背景差異對企業創新政策行為的影響。中國企業 CEO不像西方國家的 CEO,僅僅只是企業盈利追求者,還可能同時具有重要的政治角色(Peng , 2007),如曾經或現為中央或地方官員(Fan , 2007),或具備中國共產黨黨員身份(連燕玲等, 2021);此外,儘管中國企業的 CEO 並非直接受政府官員控制,但在中國共產黨要求「民營經濟的發展始終和黨的政策同向、和國家命運相連」的背景下,中國企業的 CEO 存在著一種現象:他們同時為肩負企業財務盈餘增長的「經濟人」角色,以及代表政府行使監督企業之職權,確保企業的運作符合黨的指導思想的「政治人」角色。



有任何疑問請聯繫  趙相科教授  email: hkchao@mx.nthu.edu.tw
